Insure your business

Insure your business against possible risks

Founding or acquiring a business involves certain risks that you should protect yourself against through insurance. It is important to me that I offer you insurance that you actually need.

In order to do this, I will be happy to arrange an extensive consultation with you during which we can review your insurance needs in great detail.


Recognizing Risks


Evaluating Risks


Averting Risks

Together, we will determine which specific risks could potentially affect your business, and what the occurrence of such a damaging event could have on you and your business.

Company Insurances

Work Disability – Securing your active work income

In addition to Accident and Business Interruption Insurance – this is one of the most important preventive measures and therefore indispensable.

Your manpower, your capital to secure your standard of living, can be partially or completely lost due to illness or an accident. However, your current expenditures (loan repayments, living expenses) remain the same.

For the duration of the disability, you will receive the specified monthly rate. You can choose both the amount/monthly payout and the term of the insurance. Ideally, the term of the insurance goes to your legal retirement age.

Tax considerations: the insurance premium is not recognized as an operating expense and is therefore not tax deductible.

Company Pension

Secure the future tax free – Employee Pension Plan

Employers can voluntarily provide their employees with up to EUR 300 annually in the form of an insurance free of income and social security taxes.

The employer, as policy holder and payer of the premium, takes out an insurance contract benefitting the employee or his/her surviving dependents on behalf of the employee (= insured person). This type of insurance is often an alternative to a salary increase as both employer and employee can profit from the tax benefits.

Company Life Insurance (Pension Commitment, Company Pension)

Company life insurance is an especially useful instrument in providing for yourself as well as retaining and attracting qualified personnel. Various insurance products are available for company pension plans. I will be happy to provide you with extensive and detailed information regarding these instruments.

Send me an e-mail. I will be happy to contact you to set up an appointment for a personal consultation.

Consultation appointment
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