Asset Building

Gain wealth according to plan

Attaining financial independence, and sustainably so, is a lofty goal, especially in economically volatile times. But it is entirely possible!

It does not matter whether you are an entrepreneur, independent contractor, or employee; you can build wealth to ensure against career setbacks and provide for your senior years.



Through my many years of experience in the financial sector, I have gained extensive know-how that I will be happy to share with you in developing a financial plan that assures you a financially-secure future.

The 10 Golden Rules for Building Wealth:

Developing an investment strategy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Investors should remember the following golden rules of investing:

Define realistic goals

Nice car, expensive trips, property, retirement? Your goals determine the amount of your intended wealth and the type of investment.

Develop a savings plan

It is important to determine how much capital you already have available today, and how long you can do without it so that it can continue to produce uninterrupted yields.  If you are not in a position of having a significant amount of money, review your income vs expenses and calculate what amount you may be able to invest.

Risk protection and iron reserves

Do you have liquid reserves for unforeseen expenses? You should not commit everything to your savings plan. I recommend that you keep a minimum balance equivalent to your three-month salary in a money market account. Potential risks that should be covered include: liability, household effects, unemployment, accident, death.

Evaluate your appetite for risk

Once you have determined the amount of money you can invest, you should determine the level of risk with which you are comfortable. Higher returns are associated with higher risk. What losses are you prepared to suffer in return for the chance of higher gains? Key word: investment horizon!

Keep an eye on your investment horizon

The greater your investment horizon in terms of time, the greater the risk that you can assume. Over time, losses sustained in the stock market are recovered through market upturns. The shorter your investment horizon, the safer your investments should be.

Carefully choose your investment products

Amounts held in a money market account are safe and readily available. Accordingly, the interest rate is often below the rate of inflation. Investment and bond funds offer greater opportunity, but also risks. Stock markets experience wild fluctuations, and all your money can be lost when a company goes bankrupt. With some highly speculative financial instruments like certain certificates, losses can exceed your capital investment. High returns beckon if everything works out. Those who wish to make monthly contributions to their asset plan are generally well served with a combination of debt and equity funds.

Bonds - Stocks - Gold?

A general rule of thumb: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket…

Ignore tax benefits

Tax laws can change every year. Long-term investors should therefore ignore promised tax benefits. Rates of return depend on political decisions that are often unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Pay attention to fees

Every buy or sell order of a financial instrument incurs fees. These vary by provider and it is worth your time to compare fee structures.

Adjust risk and diversification on a regular basis

You should review the risk and diversification profile of your portfolio once a year. Depending on your evolving parameters for risk and performance of current investments, your investment strategy may have to be adjusted to stay in line with your investment goals.

Send me an e-mail. I will be happy to contact you to set up an appointment for a personal consultation.

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